Our Vision
We will be courageous and inspire each other to excellence, shining in the light of Christ and making a positive impact in our world.
Our Mission Statement
I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life. (John 8:12)
We will inspire each other by:
- Living in the Roman Catholic faith; offering opportunities for prayer, worship and liturgy; creating a strong friendship between home, school, parish, diocese and the wider community.
- Recognising and celebrating the unique and God given gifts and talents of all members of our school family.
- Listening to and valuing each other’s contributions.
- Celebrating diversity and respecting different beliefs, cultures and ways of life.
- Sharing our gifts and talents with all.
- Laughing together and developing an authentic love of learning.
We will achieve excellence by:
- Learning with and from one another; so creating a school environment which nurtures the whole child and enables each one of us to realise their full potential.
- Setting high expectations for our spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, emotional and physical development.
- Providing a motivating, challenging learning experience, that encourages a life long desire to learn.
- Promoting the highest standard of teaching which engages all learners.
- Challenging everyone to become independent learners with enquiring minds and positive attitudes, determination and resilience.
- Nurturing a strong learning partnership between home, school, parish and our wider communities.
We will shine in the light of Christ by:
- Loving one another; valuing all members of the school community -pupils, parents, governors, teaching and support staff; showing respect, kindness and consideration to all.
- Following in the footsteps of Christ, in all that we think, say and do, so that our lives are a living witness to the Gospel and walking authentically in our faith journey.
- Praying and worshiping together, enriching our relationship with God.
- Ensuring that compassion and forgiveness are strong, forever present in all that we do.
- Growing in our awareness of God’s unchanging love for each of us.
Our Values
St Bernadette sets an example to us by her actions. We follow God’s mission with our own school beatitudes:
- Be honest
- Be unique
- Be determined
- Be positive
- Be faithful
- Be loving
- Be respectful
- Be forgiving
- Be the best you can be!