School’s In / School’s Out

School’s In and School’s Out are before and after school care provisions managed by the Governing Body for children who attend St. Bernadette’s Primary School, a Catholic Voluntary Academy. If you would like your child/ children to attend please can you consent through Arbor, agreeing to the Schools in/ out agreement; which you can find at the bottom of this page.

It is staffed by a small group of trusted St Bernadette’s staff who have been suitably vetted and are employed to care for the children. The service is managed by Mrs. L. Kemp  who can be contacted through the service telephone number: 01642 310198.

Other staff working in schools in/out are; Ms Maguire, Mrs Richardson, Mrs Braithwaite and Ms Pemberton

The club operates during term-time only from 7.45am until 8.40am and from 3pm until 5.30pm in the School Hall. It can be used flexibly; by parents who need to use it regularly because of working commitments or occasionally according to family needs. Parents need to fill in an initial form to register their children and then inform staff of the times they will be using the service. If parents can give notice of their needs we would ask you to do so but children can be booked into ‘School’s Out’ at short notice by calling the school office on 01642 310198.

Fees and Procedures

Morning Fees

Morning fees are £4 from 7.45am until 8:40am or £2 from 8:15 am until 8:40 am

After School Fees

After School Fees are £4 an hour for each child.  Part hours are charged at £2 per ½ hour accordingly.

Fees can be paid daily as the service is used, weekly or, if paying using a voucher scheme, monthly. For payments other than voucher schemes, ParentPay is the method of payment.


To book into School’s in/ out please use the clubs section on ParentPay. School’s in will be available to book up until the day before at 4 p.m. School’s out you are able to book in till 2 p.m. the day of the session for any last minute bookings. When booking through ParentPay the sessions will need to be paid in advance. If you receive any funding for your wrap around care please can these be made in advance so your account can be credited before you book a session, allowing time for office staff to make the amendments to your account. The sessions will have limited spaces due to pupil to staff ratios to ensure safeguarding is met, please keep this in mind when booking last minute. In the event of an emergency, if you require a space and you aren’t able to book through ParentPay please contact the office on 01642 310198.

Collecting children:
Please ensure a member of School’s Out staff is always informed when you or your representative collects your child from the club.

Please make sure staff are informed in advance if a different adult is to collect your child.

Unavoidable delays:
Children should be collected by 5.30pm. Please inform school if you are due to be late.  If parents have not arrived by 5.30pm,15 minutes will be allowed for traffic delays and then the staff on duty will use emergency contact telephone numbers. If staff cannot contact any of these people the staff will inform our ‘Schools Out’ Managers or the Head Teacher who will return to school to take responsibility for the children concerned unless parents arrive.


Outdoor Activities

In good weather, a variety of outdoor games are offered to the children. Extensive equipment is stored in a dedicated store alongside the playground. The children enjoy a wide range of activities including football, skipping, short tennis, cycling, frisbees and ball play.

Indoor Activities

The hall is “partitioned” to give safe areas for the children to play where activities include board games, model making, drawing, indoor table sport games and dressing up.


Children are offered a drink and biscuit/healthy snack or a piece of fruit during the session. Parents can provide a more substantial snack/small packed lunch if children are attending a full session.

Please see the attachments below for further details.

Schools In-Out Booking System Letter.docx (1)

BRN Schools in_ Schools out Agreement .docx (1)